Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.--Diogenes

Let's Start At The Very Beginning

If this is your first taste of Survive or Thrive, please, begin with the first post. Each goal builds upon the last.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.


while the earth remains

"While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease," Genesis 8:22. While it is highly important to store grains and legumes to sustain your family in times of trouble, it is equally important to use the little land available on your town lot to plant edible landscaping. After all, you can't eat grass. Learn how to use grey water, composted plant matter and paper, wood chips, perennial vegetables, fruit trees, and berry bushes to create an eye-appealing, spirit-enriching, vitamin-forest which will bring out the roses on your children's cheeks. Refusing the king's meat and incorporating grains and legumes and fruits and vegetables from your garden, you will reap the positive rewards of the Word of Wisdom.

beyond grains and legumes

There are so many ways to cook our veggies, grains and legumes without using electricity. In places were there is lots of sun, a Sun Oven is a good option. Even in the sunny Rocky Mountains, there are some days without enough sun to allow solar cooking. On these days, get out the rocket stove.

Sure, I occasionally still use rice cookers, slow cookers, and other electric devices. However, cooking with sunshine or twigs gives me satisfaction that can't be measured. It's as if I'm reaching in the pockets of the utility company and retrieving my money.

If you haven't yet purchased these home preparedness items, put them on your list.

Also consider a simple composting toilet or an elaborate one for other needs.