Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.--Diogenes

Let's Start At The Very Beginning

If this is your first taste of Survive or Thrive, please, begin with the first post. Each goal builds upon the last.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.


November Newsletter

Spiritual Goal:  If you have not yet begun journaling as part of your daily devotional, give it a try. At the very minimum, write a journal entry each week of your spiritual and temporal happenings. "I believe that one of the main reasons families have not regularly read the scriptures together is that they have just not decided in their hearts that it was important enough to do. They have not made the decision that they would find out how to do it at all costs. If they understood the importance of this family activity, they would surely do all in their power—both husband and wife or single parent—to make sure that this family practice became a foundation stone of their family traditions. It might very well do as much as any other thing to help exalt their family," M. Russell Ballard.

Physical Goal: Sleep is an often-overlooked part of physical, emotional, and spiritual health. “…retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.” Doctrine and Covenants 88:124

Financial Goal: Just say not to stuff. As a person begins to get ahead and feel comfortable, the temptation to affluent good may rear its ugly head. It’s OK and desirable to be comfortable. Excess is not. One of the wealthiest men in the world, Warren Buffet, lives in a modest 3-bedroom home, because it meets his needs. Always ask yourself if a purchase will bless your life and meet your needs. Always consider, where it will be stored in your home before it leaves the store.

Provident Living Goal: Learn to knit or crochet. Provide your children with financial tools by making them part of the family financial team: budgeting, saving, frugality, investing, and so forth.

Storage Goal:
100 grains per person, 1 #10 can apple or banana slices per person, 1 large container cinnamon, 4 bars hand soap per person, shampoo, light bulbs (To make soap last longer, unwrap and store in brown paper tied up with string. When this is done, the soap still lathers but doesn't melt as fast.)“The time will come that gold will hold no comparison in value to a bushel of wheat.”  Brigham Young

Emergency Kit Goal: Personal hygiene items with feminine, shaving, and infant needs in mind

Increasing Self-Sufficiency: Water is a big issue in the desert. So why let it run off our property and down the drain? The idea of harvesting rainwater and grey water especially in desert regions to water the garden and/or provide drinking water is as old as civilization. Brigham Young designed his bathtub and gutters to drain into the garden. One man in Tucson Arizona traveled to the world’s driest climates to learn about rainwater harvesting. After incorporating it into his existing suburban landscape, he wrote about his findings in Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volumes 1-3. Learn more about this subject and use some of the principles to keep the water God sends you.