Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.--Diogenes

Let's Start At The Very Beginning

If this is your first taste of Survive or Thrive, please, begin with the first post. Each goal builds upon the last.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.


February Newsletter 2

Spiritual Goal...Learn to learn by the Spirit. "Once Spencer W. Kimball was asked, 'What do you do if you find yourself caught in a boring sacrament meeting?' President Kimball thought a moment, then replied, 'I don’t know; I’ve never been in one.' President Kimball was teaching that he did not go to sacrament meeting to be entertained; he went to worship the Lord, renew his covenants, and be taught from on high." A. Roger Merrill One fun way to get your mind into the meeting is to keep a church journal, an idea spread by John Bytheway. Any notebook and pen will do to jot notes. The act of writing a bit of what you hear keeps your mind active and engaged, allowing your spirit to be taught. 

Emotional Goal...Read, study, and implement President Bednar's talk The Merciful Obtain Mercy. "The more we allow the love of God to govern our minds and emotions—the more we allow our love for our Heavenly Father to swell within our hearts—the easier it is to love others with the pure love of Christ. As we open our hearts to the glowing dawn of the love of God, the darkness and cold of animosity and envy will eventually fade." Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Physical Goal...How long has it been since you submitted to cholesterol testing? Is your level 150 or under? Did you know following the Word of Wisdom will definitely cure a high cholesterol level and even reverse many degenerative diseases? Did you know in addition to the promised health benefits, the Word of Wisdom promises protection, knowledge, and wisdom to those who obey its precepts? What are those precepts? We all know the don'ts, although there is some debate over the use of the drug caffeine and prescribed mind altering drugs. However the dos are just as important. Our diets should be mainly made up of wholesome herbs (vegetables, legumes, and greens), seasonal fruits, and grains with flesh foods only 'used sparingly' if at all ('should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine'.) Back when Joseph Smith received this revelation, the only fresh fruits and vegetables available were from the family's root cellar. Sometimes these didn't last through the winter. Currently, that isn't the case, nor is there a famine in our part of the world. Extensive medical research proves the Word of Wisdom over and again; animal products cause degenerative disease including elevated cholesterol levels. "I think that another reason why I have very splendid strength for an old man is that during the years we have had a cafeteria in the Utah Hotel, I have not, with the exception of not more than a dozen times, ordered meat of any kind. On these special occasions I have mentioned I have perhaps had a small, tender lamb chop. I have endeavored to live the Word of Wisdom, and that, in my opinion, is one reason for my good health." Heber J. Grant, April 1937

Financial Goal...Hopefully, you are beginning to feel more comfortable, since you began implementing the financial goals found in these newsletters. If you have not yet begun, do so today. If you have been working the goals right along, now may be the time for you to follow scriptural admonitions of feeding, succoring, and lifting up. Giving to others always brings great blessings to the giver as well as the receiver. One fun idea told to my family by our home teacher is the Christmas Experiment. All through the year, the adult children of this home teacher saves money. Before Christmas they put this money in envelopes each with a card stating it is a gift of love from Jesus. They pray for the Spirit to guide them in giving out these gifts as they walk around town. They reported that it is a beautiful and spiritual way to bring the proper spirit into their hearts during that special season. Some donate to LDS charities. Some give financial support to a special missionary or child in need. Some give larger fast offerings. Whatever you do, do something.

Home Storage Goal...What does your emergency kit look like? Is it adequate for real emergencies or is it just Band-Aids and bactine? While we may not be nurses or doctors, we can certainly butterfly and bandage. You never know when you will need these things, so stock up this month on larger more useful bandages, tape, wraps, butterflies or steri strips, cold packs, hot packs, etc. Some things right from your kitchen can do a world of good in an emergency as well. Chopped garlic in olive oil (strained after steeping for several days of course) makes a good disinfectant, ear ache tamer, and virus chaser. Cayenne pepper will stop bleeding instantly, stop a dizzy spell, and warm someone with hypothermia. A parsley and carrot salad helps in cases of water retention. A poultice of plantian, yes that weed in your yard, will stop the pain of an insect bite. A comfrey poultice possibly with a bit of that garlic oil and maybe some cayenne, will help wounds of all types heal faster often without scaring. Do some research on old home remedies. They may not be as fancy as a pill from the doc, but many have stood the test of time for a reason.

Emergency Kit...make sure medications are up to date.

Provident Living...check out all the seed catalogs coming in the mail. Make a plan for spring planting or look at our newsletters from last year for a plethora of gardening ideas. Plan on at least one new vegetable this growing season. Plant at least one dwarf or espalier fruit tree, grape vine, or berry bush. Make your order early so you will be ready to start seeds in a sunny window. It almost makes the snow bearable. "In previous times we have urged you to plant gardens and trees. We congratulate you on the number of gardens this year. Everywhere we drive, from city to city, we see gardens that were not there before. Rows of corn, red tomato plants, carrots, onions, radishes, squash, and other plants. We congratulate you! We are sure that you have reduced, to some extent, the high cost of living by having these fresh vegetables from your own gardens." Spencer W. Kimball, October 1975