Learn to use basic grains, seeds, and beans, which we have been asked to store by God's prophets. Using these thrifty basics as your main source of food along with your vegetable garden and fruit tress, your health will improve to the point that you reverse many degenerative diseases. Plus, your budget will thank you. I've found it even more economical to buy my beans and grains in 50# bulk packaging than to can it, because I go through it constantly. I keep enough bulk on hand for 6-9 months and rotate in the canned long-term things a bit at a time. Because they grow so fast and sometimes eat large amounts of food, this practice is especially helpful for families with growing children.
I'm not sure what caused the resistance to the do parts of the Word of Wisdom, but it is clear. It pleases the Lord if we use flesh as food only in times of need: except in times of need (winter, cold, famine, and excess of hunger). In Joseph Smith's day, winter was a time of famine in many cases. Hyrum was Joseph's dear brother, best friend, and patriarch of the church and obviously knew the mind of the Prophet. He said, "God...knows what course to pursue to restore mankind to...pristine excellency and primitive vigor, and health; and He has appointed the Word of Wisdom as one of the engines to bring about this thing, to remove the beastly appetites, the murderous disposition and the vitiated taste of man, to restore his body and vigor, promote peace between him and the brute creation, and as one of the little wheels in God's design, to help to regulate the great machinery, which shall eventually, revolutionize the earth, and bring about the restoration of all things...let them be sparing of the life of animals..let them be sparing of the life of animals, it is pleasing saith the Lord that flesh be used only in times of winter, or of famine...Let these things be adhered to; let us lay aside our folly and abide by the commandments of God; so shall we be blessed of the great Jehovah in time and eternity; we shall be healthy, strong and vigorous; we shall be enabled to resist disease; and wisdom will crown our councils, and our bodies will become strong and powerful, our progeny will become mighty, and will rise up and call us blessed.... We shall prepare ourselves for the purposes of Jehovah." (Hyrum Smith, Times & Seasons 3:799-801)
Here's science that backs up the Word of Wisdom. View the video with an open mind and heart. Listen to the Spirit, and you'll know what to do.
Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.--Diogenes