Emotional Goal...Read President Uchtdorf's talk Of Regrets and Resolutions from October 2012 General Conference. Ponder and resolve to do something about these points: spend more time with loved ones, strive more earnestly to become the person God wants you to be, and find happiness, regardless of circumstances. Write about this in your journal.
Spiritual Goal...Now that the New Year is in full swing, make an honest assessment of your preparation for Sunday School and Relief Society. Attempt to go prepared to participate and ask at least one question each week. If you are too shy to ask questions out loud in class, give a note to the teacher beforehand containing your question. Teachers need participation for successful lessons.
Physical Goal...If you've been walking for awhile, consider adding a weighted vest to your walking routine. Weight bearing builds bone density. Some don't like walking outdoors; if this is the case consider a mini trampoline, which also doubles as a children's energy buster. If these goals aren't possible, make sure to spend part of every day moving and lifting to your own ability. Every minute spent moving and lifting improves your physical stamina, bone density, and strength. "Many people, including me, have difficulty finding the time for sufficient rest, exercise, and relaxation. We must schedule time on our daily calendars for these activities if we are to enjoy a healthy and balanced life. Good physical appearance enhances our dignity and self respect." M. Russell Ballard, Liahona, September 2012
Storage Goal...As you use items from your long term storage such as beans, rice, or wheat, make sure you use your grocery budget to replace them at the monthly cannery night.
Financial Goal...Are you sticking to your budget and keeping an expense diary. If you've fallen back into old bad habits, read the back issues of the newsletter and make a resolve to stick to your financial guns. If you are struggling, consider getting off the disposable wagon. The use of disposable everything has literally exploded in the last half a century: razors, diapers and wipes, feminine products, plates, cups, cutlery, and napkins. What was once convenience now is seen as necessity. Financially struggling young parents lament that they 'can't even afford diapers.' The purchase of diapers used to be a one time expense that lasted through several babies that never broke any bank. You might slowly begin using kitchen towels and cloth napkins instead of paper. Look through your mom's fabric stash or the remnant bin at Joanne's; these are fun to make with scraps of calico and gingham with a simple hidden hem or blanket stitch. Every penny not spent is one drop of life blood saved for a better purpose. Jesus counseled women that clothing ought to be 'the beauty of the work of thine own hands.' D/C 42:40 Possibly we can turn this counsel to our kitchens, dinner tables, babies bottoms, etc.
Emergency and Pantry Kits...Prepare to rotate these things over the week of Conference. Make room in your grocery budget to replace them, since you will be using these items instead of your regular menu.
Provident Living...One of the first things I remember hearing the prophet say after I joined the church as a young teen was about growing a garden. Lately, we don't hear it as much. Perhaps the brethren feel we already know we ought to be doing this. Let me remind you. Grow lettuce, spinach, and herbs in your window sills for baby greens. Also, it's time to start seeds for spring planting. Since it takes 8 weeks before they are ready for the garden, eight weeks before last frost or around St. Patrick's Day start tomato, bell pepper, hot pepper, herbs, annual flowers, jicama, and eggplant seeds indoors in a sunny window. Two weeks later start green and purple cabbage, Nappa cabbage, bok choi, cauliflower, and broccoli. Some people start these in peat pots and re-plant them into 4 inch pots before finally transplanting outdoors several weeks later in the garden. I prefer to simply plant them in the bigger pots, such as large plastic cups, to begin with. Make sure to water your plants with kelp fertilizer and plant them in potting soil amended with azomite minerals. Make little green houses out of plastic sandwich bags until they are up and have little leaves. Watch Back to Eden Movie, a wonderful, inspiring movie about gardening without breaking one's back. Here's another look at this idea. Look into sources for wood chips if this method appeals to you. "Creation means bringing into existence something that di not exist before--colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter." Dieter F. Uchtdorf, October 2008 A garden can do all of these and more.