Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.--Diogenes

Let's Start At The Very Beginning

If this is your first taste of Survive or Thrive, please, begin with the first post. Each goal builds upon the last.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.


February Newsletter

Cannery Date 29th at 7:00 

Consider working on past month's goals that you have yet to complete!

“There is a wise old saying ‘Eat it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without’. Thrift is a practice of not wasting anything. Some people are able to get by because of the absence of expense. They have their shoes resoled, they patch, they mend, they sew, and they save money. They avoid installment buying, and make purchases only after saving enough to pay cash, thus avoiding interest charges. Frugality means to practice careful economy…” James E. Faust

Spiritual Goal: Daily Family Scripture and Prayer Without Exception-No Excuses (even if you are a family of one) “I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spirit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase; mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope, and charity—the pure love of Christ—will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness” Marion G. Romney, Ensign, May 1980, 67.

Physical Goal: Add stretching to your walking program. I love the stretching program found in the book Stretching Anatomy, but there are many free resources available."Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Financial Goal: Control your expenditures. Practice frugality in all things and exercise delayed gratification. Make a chart of 'necessities.' If something is a burning need, put it on the chart. After 30 days, if it is still needed decide if you can afford it, make a plan to save for it, and pay cash. This will help you resist the urge to buy on impulse. A major reason many people retire poor is because of impulsive buying. They see something or their friends have something, and they buy it with very little thought but to impress someone else. It's not how much you earn, but how you use what you earn that counts.

Provident Living Goal: Research and buy heirloom, open-pollinated garden seeds to allow for seed saving. Seed saving is only possible with non-hybrid seeds. When seed saving is practiced, the gardener ceases to be a consumer and becomes self-sufficient. Buy some you know your family enjoys and a few others that sound interesting.

Storage Goal:
24 cans of beans, tomatoes, and/or vegetables per person
Thread, needles, buttons, and zippers

Emergency Kit Goal: 1 gallon water per person, Mini-Scriptures, $25 cash, Personal documents, genealogical records, will, insurance, contracts, passports, birth certificates, patriarchal blessings, etc.

Pantry Box Goal: bouillon cubes, 1 diced tomatoes, 1 tomato puree, 1 hominy, 3 chopped green chilies, 3 mushrooms, dehydrated kale, dehydrated broccoli, 2 jars apple sauce, 1 marinated artichokes