Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.--Diogenes

Let's Start At The Very Beginning

If this is your first taste of Survive or Thrive, please, begin with the first post. Each goal builds upon the last.

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.


December Newsletter 2

Spiritual Goal:  Decide as a family how focus less on stuff and more on Jesus Christ, true meaning of Christmas. Avoid the holiday media blitz. Revive old family traditions. Spend time serving in the community together. Consider family gifts that double as preparedness and togetherness goals, like wall or dome tents, sleeping bags, camp stove, thermal cooker, solar oven, camping supplies, guidebooks for great family camping destinations and games. Consider wrapping up necessities like coats, mittens, boots, shoes, underwear, pajamas, undershirts, socks, sheets, quilts, towels, and school supplies. These things can be purchased throughout the year during closeout sales. This is a beloved family tradition at our place that we joke about every year. One year I didn’t do it, because I thought they didn’t like it; our children were very upset.

Physical Goal: finish or start LDS Physical Fitness Award Program. Physical fitness is important in the lives of all of us. But we sometimes neglect our physical health, only to realize how precious it is once it is gone. This activity [LDS Physical Fitness Award Program] is designed to encourage families and individuals of all ages to take part regularly in activities that promote health and physical fitness. Other benefits include increased personal discipline and positive self-image, weight control, release of unwanted stress, and family fun and communication,” Physical Fitness Award Program, Family Home Evening Resource Book, (1997), 314

Financial Goal: Refinish a thrifted piece of furniture to give as a Christmas gift. Make a list of desired purchases with the rule that it must be on the list for 30 days before buying. De-junk your house. “No man is truly free who is in financial bondage. Think what you do when you run debt, you give another power over your liberty.” Benjamin Franklin

Provident Living Goal: Learn to cook and enjoy dried beans and whole grains from your storage. Learn indoor gardening and sprouting.

Storage Goal: 40 pounds dried beans per person, Batteries, dehydrated onions, garlic, herbs, peppers, celery, and carrots to flavor beans, candles, matches, hurricane candle holders

Emergency Kit Goal: Garbage bags, Candles, Matches, Can Opener

Pantry Box Goal: Family Tent, camping stuff